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Dust.js @sep example not working

I tried using Dust.js template engine with the first page hello world and it failed to use the {@sep} markings, the template was compiled and produced output, but not the commas {@sep},{/sep}

$(document).ready(function () {

    var template = "Dust does {#features}{name}{@sep},{/sep}{/features}!"

    var compiled = dust.compile(template, "test");

    dust.render("test", {
      features: [
        {name: "async"},
        {name: "helpers"},
        {name: "filters"},
        {name: "a little bit of logic"},
        {name: "and more"}
    function (err, out) {
        document.getElementById('container').textContent = out;

The {@sep},{/sep} does not seem to produce anything, the output is

Dust does asynchelpersfiltersa little bit of logicand more!

While the example output from the actual home page seems to be working just fine, which suggest there is something fishy in my own code or the version I am using.

Then I thought the CDN may be serving an outdated file, so I tried using directly the latest release from GitHub using link

The example is here : and it still does not output the @sep tag contents.

What went wrong? I can't see the commas, so should I go shopping glasses or file a bug report?


  • Ok, I will answer this question myself. I did some research on the Dustjs homepage and figured it out.

    It was not obvious, that even if there were packages like

    • dust-core
    • dust-full

    The full package does not seem to actually contain the @sepdefinition, even if that is the frontpage example.

    So, importing the file dust-helpers.js solved this problem for me.