I am programming a Swift application, and I can't load image saved in the application by using UIImage(contentsOfFile: imgPath)
or NSData(contentsOfFile: imgPath)
private func loadData() {
println("load DATA DANGEROUS")
let (dangerous, err) = SD.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Dangerous")
if err == nil && !dangerous.isEmpty {
var tabPhoto : [DangerousImage] = []
for d in dangerous {
let desc = d["description"]!.asString()!
let idDangerous = d["id"]!.asInt()!
println("iddangerous : \(idDangerous)")
let (photos, error) = SD.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Photo WHERE idDangerous = ?", withArgs: [idDangerous])
if error == nil {
for photo in photos {
let imgPath = photo["photoPath"]!.asString()!
let uimage = UIImage(contentsOfFile: imgPath) // fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
tabPhoto.append(DangerousImage(img: uimage!, path: imgPath))
println("add ENTRY")
self.tabEntry.append(Entry(descript: desc, tab: tabPhoto))
println("TAB ENTRY : \(tabEntry)")
My picture exists with this path : /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/...ID-APP.../Documents/images/JPEG_201506162_101128_IOS_99804574.jpg
Thank for your help.
From I can see in your code, you are storing the full path to the image in your database, eg. "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/...ID-APP.../Documents/images/JPEG_201506162_101128_IOS_99804574.jpg". Since iOS8, the folder structure has changed - the UDID in the path is changing every time the app is updated or a new build is installed during development. That's why should store a relative path to your image, eg. "/images/JPEG_201506162_101128_IOS_99804574.jpg" and then get the Documents directory with NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains