I have two domains
class ProductQuantity {
Integer quantity
static belongsTo = [productSize: ProductSize]
class ProductSize {
String size
static hasMany = [productQuantities : ProductQuantity]
I'm trying to build a query where I get all ProductQuantity by the productSize. I have the following query that works.
def productSize = ProductSize.findAllById(1);
def productQuantities = ProductQuantity.findAllByProductSize(productSize)
I'm looking to get the ProductQuanties in a single query rather than two separate queries.
ProductQuantity.createCriteria().list {
eq 'productSize', ProductSize.load(1)
ProductQuantity.withCriteria {
eq 'productSize', ProductSize.load(1)
ProductQuantity.where {
productSize == ProductSize.load(1)
ProductQuantity.findAll("from ProductQuantity where productSize = ?", [ProductSize.load(1)])