I am having trouble to detect that this is the first attempt of deployment after a server instance is booted. I need to run the command rake db:seed
only the first time to set the default users and other details in database. I have no idea if this is possible.
can anybody help me please
The best way to find out is by sending --extra-deploy-hook-options
while running deployment command and check in the after_migrate.rb
if config[:initial]
is present or not. The command would look like
ey deploy -e myapp_staging --config=initial:true
after_migrate.rb hook will looks like:
on_app_servers do
if config[:initial] == 'true'
$stderr.puts "Seeding the data"
run "cd #{config.release_path}"
run "bundle exec rake db:seed"
$stderr.puts "Skipping the Seeding process"
For more information ey help deploy