I'm just picking up NetworkX and trying to learn how to use it with Shapefiles.
Right now I have a .shp with a road network that I want to represent in a Graph with NetworkX, so that I can find the shortest path between 2 GPS points. I tried using this, but the problem is that when I run the write_shp() function I lose edges because DiGraph does not allow more than one edge between the same two nodes. The arrow in the figure below shows an example of an edge I lose by using a DiGraph.
So I was wondering if there's any way to create a MultiDiGraph so I don't lose any edges, or if there's any way around it that I could use. I was thinking maybe I could write some code to extract the attributes from the Shapefile and create the MultiDiGraph without using NetworkX's read_shp(), but I don't have any experience at all working with graphs, so I'm not exactly sure if it'd be possible.
I'd really appreciate any help or guidance you could give me, or if I've missed any documentation please let me know. Thanks in advance.
As best I can follow from your question, the following will do it, basically copied from the original read_shp
def read_multi_shp(path):
copied from read_shp, but allowing MultiDiGraph instead.
from osgeo import ogr
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("read_shp requires OGR: http://www.gdal.org/")
net = nx.MultiDiGraph() # <--- here is the main change I made
def getfieldinfo(lyr, feature, flds):
f = feature
return [f.GetField(f.GetFieldIndex(x)) for x in flds]
def addlyr(lyr, fields):
for findex in xrange(lyr.GetFeatureCount()):
f = lyr.GetFeature(findex)
flddata = getfieldinfo(lyr, f, fields)
g = f.geometry()
attributes = dict(zip(fields, flddata))
attributes["ShpName"] = lyr.GetName()
if g.GetGeometryType() == 1: # point
net.add_node((g.GetPoint_2D(0)), attributes)
if g.GetGeometryType() == 2: # linestring
attributes["Wkb"] = g.ExportToWkb()
attributes["Wkt"] = g.ExportToWkt()
attributes["Json"] = g.ExportToJson()
last = g.GetPointCount() - 1
net.add_edge(g.GetPoint_2D(0), g.GetPoint_2D(last), attr_dict=attributes) #<--- also changed this line
if isinstance(path, str):
shp = ogr.Open(path)
lyrcount = shp.GetLayerCount() # multiple layers indicate a directory
for lyrindex in xrange(lyrcount):
lyr = shp.GetLayerByIndex(lyrindex)
flds = [x.GetName() for x in lyr.schema]
addlyr(lyr, flds)
return net
I changed the returned graph from a DiGraph
to a MultiDigraph
and I had to change the add_edge
command since the MultiDiGraph
version has different syntax from DiGraph