We have a very old sybase server. Our database in it is acting up. We need to restore the backup database file from our backup sybase server. But when I try that, I keep getting this error message:
Msg 7205, Level 17, State 2: Line 1: Can't open a connection to site 'SYB_BACKUP'. See the error log file in the SQL Server boot directory.
That is how I restore the database backup: 1. Use RCP to copy the dump file from the spare server to the primary server. And name the copy "frombkup_mydb.dump". 2. Drop the old database from the primary server, and re-create an empty one. 3. Then use the following command to load the database from the backup dump file:
load database mydb from "/export/home/syb11.dump/frombkup_mydb.dump"
Unfortunately I don't know where the error log file is. I am not familiar with SCO Unix and Sybase.
Does anyone know why the restore doesn't work?
Please help. Thanks.
Jay Chan
It's likely that your Backup Server is not running.
The SAP/Sybase ASE database process requires the backup server to be running for database backups or restores.
To find which database processes are running you can use the showserver
command usually located in:
If the backup server is not running (likely), then in the ./install/ directory, look for the file named RUN_SYB_BACKUP
You can start the server by issuing the command (from the ./install/ directory)
startserver -f RUN_SYB_BACKUP
This should start the backup server, and allow you to restore the database.