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How to programmatically assign a picture (Bitmap) to a contact?

I have a variable of type Bitmap and I would like to assign it to a Contact from my contact list as the CalledID picture, how would I do that?


  • You have to creat your own mime type for those.

    Here is an example that saves a boolean as my custom mime type to the contacts. It uses the latest SDK 2.1


    This example uses DATA1 for data, DATA1 is indexed but it's not recomended for binary data. In your case to store binary data such as Picture you have to use DATA15.

    By convention, DATA15 is used for storing BLOBs (binary data).

    public static final String MIMETYPE_FORMALITY = "";
    public clsMyClass saveFormality() {
            try {
                ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
                values.put(Data.DATA1, this.getFormality() ? "1" : "0");
                int mod = ctx.getContentResolver().update(
                        Data.CONTACT_ID + "=" + this.getId() + " AND "
                                + Data.MIMETYPE + "= '"
                                + clsContacts.FORMALITY_MIMETYPE + "'", null);
                if (mod == 0) {
                    values.put(Data.CONTACT_ID, this.getId());
                    values.put(Data.MIMETYPE, clsContacts.FORMALITY_MIMETYPE);
                    ctx.getContentResolver().insert(Data.CONTENT_URI, values);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.v(TAG(), "saveFormality failed");
         return this;
    public boolean getFormality() {
         if (data.containsKey(FORMALITY)) {
            return data.getAsBoolean(FORMALITY);
        } else {
            // read formality
            Cursor c = readDataWithMimeType(clsContacts.MIMETYPE_FORMALITY, this.getId());
            if (c != null) {
                try {
                    if (c.moveToFirst()) {
                        this.setFormality(c.getInt(0) == 1);
                        return (c.getInt(0) == 1);
                } finally {
            return false;
    public clsMyClass setFormality(Boolean value) {
        data.put(FORMALITY, value);
        return this;
     * Utility method to read data with mime type
     * @param mimetype String representation of the mimetype used for this type
     *            of data
     * @param contactid String representation of the contact id
     * @return
    private Cursor readDataWithMimeType(String mimetype, String contactid) {
        return ctx.getContentResolver().query(
                new String[] {
                Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID + "=" + contactid + " AND " + Data.MIMETYPE + "= '" + mimetype
                        + "'", null, null);

    Usage is
