I'm working with some matlab code and using good block comments to head off certain sections of the document, but it sure would be nice to just collapse the whole lot of sections once I'm done fleshing them out. General purpose code formatting region blocks may be a future feature request for Matlab too I suppose.
I recently discovered section breaks, but it looks too granular for my purposes one of which is to group a set of related functions. As far as I can see sections cannot embrace function definitions. By comparison C#'s #region
code block formatting is general purpose and supports arbitrary nesting of any source content whatsoever.
There are a number of MATLAB constructs that can be folded with +
signs in the editor. The closest thing to what you are looking for is maybe code-folding using sections, delimited by %%
It's not enabled by default in MATLAB, you need to go to:
HOME > Preferences > Editor/Debugger > Code Folding
There you'll see the list of enabled constructs - check the sections
Now delimit you code with sections and fold away!
Some code
Some code
Code in another section