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Is it possible to opt your iPad app out of multitasking on iOS 9

I have a large app that I will need some time to optimize for iOS9.

Edit: What I am worried about is all the UI getting squeezed together when the app window size is reduced. So my question is, is there any way to force full screen for the app?


  • You have to modify your project to support multitasking. According to WWDC 2015 video, to adopt your app for multitasking, satisfy these requirements:

    1. Build your app with iOS 9 SDK
    2. Support all orientations
    3. Use Launch Storyboards

    So, if any of this is not done yet, your app will not be able to support multitasking.

    Of course, if you don't use size classes, put it at the top of the list.

    Edit: according to you question edit. There is a UIRequiresFullScreen key in Info.plist. See more at Apple docs