is it possible to get the POSIX path or target to the frontmost window using the Scripting Bridge framework?
I'm using
FinderApplication *theFinder = [SBApplication aplicationWithBundleIdentifier:@"";
but I can't find anything in "Finder.h" that could work.
This might be what you are after using ScriptingBridge and NSURL
FinderApplication *finder = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];
SBElementArray *windows = [finder windows ]; // array of finder windows
NSArray *targetArray = [windows arrayByApplyingSelector:@selector(target)];// array of targets of the windows
//gets the first object from the targetArray,gets its URL, and converts it to a posix path
NSString * newURLString = [[NSURL URLWithString: (id) [[targetArray objectAtIndex:0]URL]] path];
NSLog(@"newURLString %@ ", newURLString);