This is rather easy question or maybe too easy question. But i tried to find the way to done these already and could not find even in GNUplot document. Might be my mistake or misunderstood something about array
concept in GNUplot. My question is How to define and access array in GNUplot?
Please just provide easy example of array declaration, assign value of array over loop. i think that's enough and i think this will be useful for other people too.
(This answer will be obsolete with the next stable gnuplot release, as the 5.1 development tree now has native support for array variables.)
(The "splot" command in gnuplot uses the keyword "array" to define the size of NxM matrix that contains function values for a 3D plot. Nothing to do with array variables.)
Arrays like what a programmer knows from C, Pascal, Python, etc. do not exist in gnuplot today (gp5.0). They might get implemented one day, because they'd be highly useful to plot a family of curves with arbitrary (e.g. fitted) parameters.
If you are desperate about arrays in gnuplot, you can (ab)use the word()
function (and other string functions) to achieve a somewhat limited substitute. It's also a bit cumbersome:
array = ""
f(a,x) = a*x
do for [i=1:5] {array = array.sprintf(" %.3f",i+rand(0)) }
print "array = ".array
set xr [0:]; set yr [0:30]
plot for [i=1:5] f(word(array,i),x) title word(array,i)." x"
This example writes a set of random numbers to a string variable named "array", and afterwards uses it to plot five linear functions that use the numbers in "array" for their slope. It's handy here that gnuplot autopromotes strings to numerics if used e.g. in an equation.