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Const-correctness of self made iterators

General goal

I manage a collection of objects (Collection of Real as simple example). Then I defined iterators on my collection. That means : iterator, const_iterator, reverse_iterator and const_reverse_iterator. In this example, I will only pay attention on iterator and const_iterator, the two others are very similar.

After that, I would like to define a filter on my collection, which keeps or not the elements with respect to a specific condition. As exemple, keep only the Real instances with a positive value. I also would like to iterate on my collection on the kept elements only.

How I implemented the collection

For this example, my object in the collection is very simple. The goal is just having an object instead of a native type :

struct Real
      double r;

Then I define my collection without having to know the real container inside :

class Collection
    typedef std::vector<Real>::iterator iterator;
    typedef std::vector<Real>::const_iterator const_iterator;
    std::vector<Real> data;
    Collection() : data() {}
    Collection(unsigned long int n) : data(n) {}
    Collection(unsigned long int n, const Real& x) : data(n,x) {}
    Collection::iterator       begin()       { return this->data.begin(); }
    Collection::iterator       end()         { return this->data.end(); }
    Collection::const_iterator begin() const { return this->data.begin(); }
    Collection::const_iterator end() const   { return this->data.end(); }

This is working very well in this simple example :

int main()
  Collection c(5);
  double k = 1.0;
  for(Collection::iterator it = c.begin(); it != c.end(); ++it)
    it->r = k;
    k *= -2.0;

  std::cout << "print c with Collection::iterator" << std::endl;
  for(Collection::iterator it = c.begin(); it != c.end(); ++it)
    std::cout << it->r << std::endl;

  std::cout << "print c with Collection::const_iterator" << std::endl;
  for(Collection::const_iterator it = c.begin(); it != c.end(); ++it)
    std::cout << it->r << std::endl;

  return 0;

And this program writes the expected output :

print with Collection::iterator
print with Collection::const_iterator

How I implemented the filter

Now I want to create an abstract filter, having a reference or pointer to a collection, having iterators, and having an abstract function accepting values through the filter. For this first step, I only wrote the class without the iterators :

class CollectionFilter
    Collection& col;
    CollectionFilter(Collection& c) : col(c) {}
    virtual ~CollectionFilter() {}
    Collection& collection() { return this->col; }
    iterator begin() { /* todo */ }
    iterator end() { /* todo */ }
    const_iterator begin() const { /* todo */ }
    const_iterator end() const { /* todo */ }
    virtual bool accept(const Real& x) const = 0;

Then, it's quite easy to create a new filter implementing a specific condition :

class CollectionFilterPositive : public CollectionFilter
    CollectionFilterPositive(Collection& c) : CollectionFilter(c) {}
    virtual ~CollectionFilterPositive() {}
    virtual bool accept(const Real& x) const { return x.r >= 0.0; }

Before implementing the iterators in the filter, I have some remarks / questions.

  1. This filter works on a non-const Collection&, then, are the begin() const and end() const function really required ? And if yes, why ?
  2. I can't apply the filter on a const Collection&, but it's clearly required for my goal. What could be a good way to do that ? Have I to duplicate the class CollectionFilter to a class CollectionFilterConst with a very similar code ? Moreover this solution is quite confusing for the user having to inherit from two similar classes.

Then, let's go to the implementation of the iterators. For this example, I only wrote the iterator and not the const_iterator. I add this to my class :

class CollectionFilter
    class iterator
        CollectionFilter*    filter;
        Collection::iterator iter;
                  iterator(CollectionFilter* f, Collection::iterator i) : filter(f), iter(i) {}
                  iterator(const iterator& i) : filter(i.filter), iter(i.iter) {}
        iterator& operator = (const iterator& i) { this->filter = i.filter; this->iter = i.iter; return *this; }
        iterator& operator ++ ()
          if(this->iter != this->filter->collection().end())
            } while(this->iter != this->filter->collection().end() && !this->filter->accept(*this->iter));
        iterator operator ++ (int) { /* similar */ }
        Real& operator * () { return *this->iter; }
        Collection::iterator operator -> () { return this->iter; }
        bool operator == (const iterator& i) const { return this->iter == i.iter; }
        bool operator != (const iterator& i) const { return this->iter != i.iter; }
    iterator begin()
      Collection::iterator it = this->col.begin();
      if(!this->accept(*it)) ++it;
      return CollectionFilter::iterator(this,it);
    iterator end()
      Collection::iterator it = this->col.end();
      return CollectionFilter::iterator(this,it);

This is also working well on this simple example

int main()
  Collection c(5);
  double k = 1.0;
  for(Collection::iterator it = c.begin(); it != c.end(); ++it)
    it->r = k;
    k *= -2.0;

  std::cout << "print c with CollectionFilterPositive::iterator" << std::endl;  
  CollectionFilterPositive fc(c);
  for(CollectionFilterPositive::iterator it = fc.begin(); it != fc.end(); ++it)
    std::cout << it->r << std::endl;

  return 0;

giving the expected output :

print with CollectionFilterPositive::iterator

Again, some questions :

  1. Am I totally wrong with this approach ?
  2. I suppose I have to duplicate the code of CollectionFilter::iterator to implement CollectionFilter::const_iterator with only small modifications. Is there a way to avoid duplication of this code (written 8 times, if I count the duplicated class CollectionFilterConst and the reverse iterators) ?
  3. I don't feel comfortable with the const-correctness of my code. Do you see some problems ?

Thanks in advance !


  • I would suggest to drop the CollectionFilter class, and instead have a Collection::filter_iterator_tmpl template class, with two instantiations Collection::filter_iterator and Collection::const_filter_iterator.

    Collection::filter_iterator_tmpl could be implemented like this:

    class Collection {         
        template<typename Iterator, typename Predicate>
        class filter_iterator_tmpl :
        public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, typename Iterator::value_type, typename Iterator::difference_type, typename Iterator::pointer, typename Iterator::reference> {
            Iterator underlying_iterator_;
            Predicate predicate_;
            filter_iterator_tmpl& operator++() {
                do {
                    ++ underlying_iterator_;
                } while(! predicate_(*underlying_iterator_));
                return *this;
            typename Iterator::reference operator*() const {
                return *underlying_iterator_;

    Polymorphism can be added by letting Predicate be a polymorphic functionoid with a virtual bool PolymorphicPredicate::operator(Real) const function.

    Collection would then define the actual filter iterators:

    class Collection {
        template<typename Iterator, typename Predicate>
        class filter_iterator_tmpl;
        template<typename Predicate>
        using filter_iterator = filter_iterator_tmpl<Collection::iterator, Predicate>;
        template<typename Predicate>
        using const_filter_iterator = filter_iterator_tmpl<Collection::const_iterator, Predicate>;
        template<typename Predicate>
        filter_iterator<Predicate> begin_filter(const Predicate& pred);
        template<typename Predicate>
        const_filter_iterator<Predicate> begin_filter(const Predicate& pred) const;

    Boost implements a generic "Filter Iterator" in a similar way: As a standalone class, not as part of a container class.

    About const-correctness: Containers in C++ (std::vector, std::map, std::string, etc) own their content objects: They create and delete them, and need to make sure that with const access to the container, you also only get const access to the content objects. They need to be implemented so as to enforce this, because the underlying pointers by which they access their allocated storage don't have this notion of ownership. This is why they need to have two versions of iterators (iterator and const_iterator). The iterators themselves don't own the object: With const access to an iterator, you cannot advance the iterator, but you still get non-const access to the object.

    Questions 1/2: CollectionFilter is problematic because it does not own the objects that it provides access to, yet const/non-const access to the filter should only give const/non-const access to the object. Because it holds a reference to the Collection, and it should work for both const and non-const access to the Collection, two versions CollectionFilter and ConstCollectionFilter would then be needed with that approach.

    Question 4: Once there is a split from a const-correct container object to two classes for const and non-const access, there necessarily is some code duplication. Templates avoid having to implement both versions manually. There are also some additional complications, such as comparing an iterator to an const_iterator, and constructing a const_iterator from an iterator but not the other way around...

    Questions 3/5: See above.