How could I disable or configure the HoptoadNotifier per controller? Background is that I configured the notifier to report "Method not allowed" exception, eg this is raised when an action is accessed with GET instead of POST.
But I have an autocomplete controller which is scanned by bots (probably to find exploits) by sending GET requests to my controller instead of POST (with all sorts of strange parameters). So I want to disable the notifier for just this exception, this action, or this controller.
Solved: Thanks to @Tanel I did the following which seems to work:
def rescue_action_in_public exception
if exception.is_a? ActionController::MethodNotAllowed
rescue_action_in_public_without_hoptoad exception
super exception
Perhaps overriding the rescue_action_in_public in the specific controller?
That's the method Hoptoad uses to catch its exceptions.