We have a Nexus install that has a collection of commonly used java dependencies (commons-codec, jodatime etc.)
The directory structure is similar to the below
|_ commons-codec
| |_commons-codec
| |_1.2
|_ commons-compress
I am in the process of adding the latest version of these dependencies to the repository.
To do this I have created a new pom and setup dependency management to deploy to Nexus.
However I now know that the groupId:artifactId:version attributes of the pom dictate how the project is deployed to nexus. Which I think would mean I'd need a separate pom for each group element.
How is the central repository pom managed? I realise it's possible to proxy the central repository, unfortunately our network doesn't allow downloading of jar's hence the need for a hosted commonjavalibraries repository in the first place.
Is there a way of doing what I'm trying to achieve without creating a pom for each group element?
After a bit more digging I noticed that when dependencies were downloaded from central they were stored in .m2/repositories
along with their pom files.
I wrote a Python script to copy these into another location and then walk that directory tree and run mvn deploy:deploy-file
for each jar/pom pair I came across.