Search code examples

Query plan caching and performance

You can read the backstory if you want, after changing my nonclustered index to a clustered index things started running a lot faster. The problem with the initial query plan taking 2-3 seconds still remain though. However, the keep plan query hint improved that quite a bit.


I have an inverted index where I store things I wish to lookup in a simple search implementation (though there is nothing simple about search).

When I enter a query like this "ma br" it will create this SQL

SELECT EntityType, EntityID FROM InvertedIndex WHERE Term LIKE @p0
SELECT EntityType, EntityID FROM InvertedIndex WHERE Term LIKE @p1
--@p0 String --'ma%'
--@p1 String --'br%'

For every search term, there's another INTERSECT and SELECT

And for the most part this works very well. I've indexed the Term column properly and checked execution plans for potential bottlenecks. Right now the index contains about 150,000 rows and searches happen instantaneously, as expected.

What's a bit irritating though, is that typically the first query of a certain rank takes a lot longer to execute. I bet this is because the query optimizer is reevaluating the execution plan. But how should I deal with this? The more queries I run against the server, the less it stalls, but every other query takes about 2-3 seconds longer. This is not a big deal, but sometimes it's a lot longer and I just fail to see where this is coming from or how to deal with it. It should be lightning fast.


Schema looks like this:

CREATE TABLE InvertedIndex (
    Term varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    Ordinal tinyint NOT NULL,
    EntityType tinyint NOT NULL,
    EntityID int NOT NULL

The two indexes are:

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_InvertedIndex ON InvertedIndex (Term) 
INCLUDE (Ordinal, EntityType, EntityID)

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_InvertedIndex_Reverse ON InvertedIndex (EntityType, EntityID) 

This stuff stays, what happens are insert and delete operations when index (InvertedIndex) needs to be updated and evertually a complete rebuild, will this affect the use of a QUERY PLAN?

Here's an example of the complete query it's really slow atm, 3-5 seconds and I can't work out why... The ORDER BY clause is meant to give words that match a certain position higher sort order (occur first in the result set) this however has become exponentially slower for each search term.

WITH Search AS (
    SELECT EntityType, EntityID FROM InvertedIndex WHERE Term LIKE @p0
    SELECT EntityType, EntityID FROM InvertedIndex WHERE Term LIKE @p1
    SELECT EntityType, EntityID FROM InvertedIndex WHERE Term LIKE @p2
, p.FullName
, p.Email
, p.MobilePhone
, p.HomeAddress
, p.HomeCity
FROM Search AS s
INNER JOIN Person AS p ON p.PersonID = s.EntityID AND s.EntityType = @pPersonEntityType
ORDER BY (CASE WHEN @p3 IN (SELECT Ordinal FROM InvertedIndex WHERE Term LIKE @p0 AND EntityID = s.EntityID AND EntityType = s.EntityType) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) + (CASE WHEN @p4 IN (SELECT Ordinal FROM InvertedIndex WHERE Term LIKE @p1 AND EntityID = s.EntityID AND EntityType = s.EntityType) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) + (CASE WHEN @p5 IN (SELECT Ordinal FROM InvertedIndex WHERE Term LIKE @p2 AND EntityID = s.EntityID AND EntityType = s.EntityType) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)
@p0 String --'ma%'
@p1 String --'br%'
@p2 String --'mi%'
@p3 Int32 --1
@p4 Int32 --2
@p5 Int32 --3

The point of the above query is to look up all terms in the InvertedIndex, then, for each search term there's an intersect, that's the logical conjuction that I wish to use to constrain the search. Ordinal represents the original position of the word when it was indexed. Each entry in the InvertedIndex represents a tuple and if the search term matches some item of this N-tuple it's considered a better match. That's why I need to do this funky order by with subqueries. But it's really slow.


If I change IX_InvertedIndex to a clustered index it improves the query speed by an order of magnitude (I don't know why though):

CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_InvertedIndex ON InvertedIndex (Term) 


  • If you are appending INTERSECT clauses then each query will be different. I suspect (based on what you've said) that eventually you have a cached plan for each number of INTERSECT clauses. Once you have the cached plan, it runs OK.

    You could try plan guides, one for each number of INTERSECT clauses.

    Otherwise, you could always have a single select and spool results in a temp table and self join. Not sure how it would run though or whether it's good idea.

    Your index should also be on Term with INCLUDE for EntityType, EntityID to be covering too

    Edit, after comment.

    You could try KEEP PLAN or plan forcing too given the relative simplicity to help avoid what sounds like recompiles.

    If it was SQL Server 2008, I'd suggest OPTIMISE FOR UNKNOWN

    Finally, another thought: do datatypes match across the board?

    Edit: You should change the index to (Term, EntityType, Ordinal, EntityID) with no INCLUDES. You are using all columns in JOINs or filters

    You also need a primary key (Term? Ordinal) which should be unqiue and clustered too,. There is no advantage in not having one apart from poor performance and fragmented data

    And change the query to this:

    WITH Search AS
        SELECT Ordinal, EntityType, EntityID FROM InvertedIndex WHERE Term LIKE @p0 AND EntityType = @pPersonEntityType
        SELECT Ordinal, EntityType, EntityID FROM InvertedIndex WHERE Term LIKE @p1 AND EntityType = @pPersonEntityType
        SELECT Ordinal, EntityType, EntityID FROM InvertedIndex WHERE Term LIKE @p2 AND EntityType = @pPersonEntityType
        p.PersonID, p.FullName, p.Email, p.MobilePhone, p.HomeAddress, p.HomeCity
        Search AS s
        INNER JOIN
        Person AS p ON p.PersonID = s.EntityID
        LEFT JOIN
        (SELECT 0 AS Ranking, @p3 AS RankOrdinal) O3
        LEFT JOIN
        (SELECT 0 AS Ranking, @p4 AS RankOrdinal) O4
        LEFT JOIN
        (SELECT 0 AS Ranking, @p5 AS RankOrdinal) O5
    ORDER BY    --although, I can't see why you are doing + 
        ISNULL(O3.Ranking, 1) +
        ISNULL(O4.Ranking, 1) +
        ISNULL(O5.Ranking, 1)