I am using PHPWord to create documents. What I need to do is edit the header/footer content of an existing docx/odt document. It was not very hard to add the content to a document. But I've spent the whole day on the internet to find a solution. Here is the code through which I am only being able to add content to existing header/footer content:
$source = "DumpFiles/".$_FILES['file']['name'];
$fileName = $_FILES['file']['name'];
$phpWord = \PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory::load($source);
echo "File Loaded";
// Get Sections from the imported document...
$sections = $phpWord->getSections();
$section = $sections[0];
// Adding Header and Footer Content
if(isset($_POST['headerContent']) && $_POST['headerContent']!=null)
$headert = $section->createHeader();
$table = $headert->addTable();
if(isset($_POST['footerContent']) && $_POST['footerContent'])
$footervar = $section->createFooter();
$table = $footervar->addTable();
I understand that the usage of global
variables directly is a bad practice. :-p
I would rectify these discrepancies in my code once I get the existing code working.
A solution with an example would be greatly appreciated.
You can access the existing header contents in the following way (simplified to make it shorter, i.e. missing all existence and type checks):
$headers = $section->getHeaders();
$header1 = $headers[1]; // note that the first index is 1 here (not 0)
$elements = $header1->getElements();
$element1 = $elements[0]; // and first index is 0 here normally
// for example manipulating simple text information ($element1 is instance of Text object)
$element1->setText("This is my text addition - old part: " . $element1->getText());
Access to the footer data is very similar:
$footers = $section->getFooters();