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SqlAlchemy query in a template page

I have a query like this:

session.query(System).filter_by(id_system = s.id_system).join(Command).filter_by(id_command=c.id_command).first()

I'd like to do this query in a template page (I'm using mako), but it doesn't work:

% for c in s.commands:
    code = session.query(System).filter....
% endfor

What is best way to do a query in pages? Or is it not possible?


  • Template is not a right place to do such operations. All business logic needs to be included into controllers according to MVC (or RV as Pyramid) paradigm.

    Do query in your view function:

    results = DBSession.query(model.Articles).all()
    return dict(status=True, results=results)

    or even better create module which contains common database operations (then import function and call it in view function) and return results to template by

    import your_project.lib.dbfunctions
    results = dbfunctions.get_articles()
    return dict(status=True, results=results)

    than use them into template:

    % for r in results:
    % endfor

    I hope it will help you.