Trying to run an Arquillian test with PowerMockRule in a Maven project to be able to mock static classes.
However, when I'm building the maven project, I get the following error in the test:
Tests in error: myTest(com.package.myTest): Could not call java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.readObject() : No field 'segmentmask' found in class 'java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap'
I have no idea about the cause of this and how to go about fixing it. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.
EDIT: Apparently the problem is caused by XStream class loader which is needed in using PowerMockRule. But I haven't found a fix.
This is indeed caused by an x-stream issue (which is fixed in 1.4.8):
So if you use maven for dependency managing you might want to do something like this in your dependency management:
<!-- Should be removed as soon as xstream is updated in powermock -->
And then where you use powermock:
<!-- Should be removed as soon as powermock has the latest version of xstream -->
At least, until powermock starts to use the new x-stream version.