I've created a little web application with some custom features and integrated into our backend.
Now, I would like to be able to filter all tasks by tag.
I have the following function:
public function getTasksByFilter($filter = array('assignee' => '', 'project' => '', 'workspace' => ''), array $opts = array()) {
$url = '';
$filter = array_merge(array('assignee' => '', 'project' => '', 'workspace' => ''), $filter);
$url .= $filter['assignee'] !== '' ? '&assignee=' . $filter['assignee'] : '';
$url .= $filter['project'] !== '' ? '&project=' . $filter['project'] : '';
$url .= $filter['workspace'] !== '' ? '&workspace=' . $filter['workspace'] : '';
if (count($opts) > 0) {
$url .= '&' . http_build_query($opts);
if (strlen($url) > 0) {
$url = '?' . substr($url, 1);
return $this->askAsana($this->taskUrl . $url);
How can I adjust this function to fetch only tasks with a certain tagId?
Tags is one of the parameters you may provide when querying for tasks. Treat it the same as you do the assignee
, project
, & workspace
parameters you are already using to query.
You may also consider using the official PHP Asana Client to access the API in PHP.