I need to export existing ExpressionEngine members and convert them into Wordpress users. There is a previous question that answers part of my problem here: Export ExpressionEngine members to WordPress
Unfortunately, I also need to include the custom fields from ExpressionEngine from the member_fields table. Is there a way to merge that information with the primary members fields into a CSV that can then be imported into Wordpress?
So you just need to join the member_data table and then get all the columns from there. If there are particular ones that you want you can whittle this down a little, as written it will dump out all custom member fields.
username AS user_login,
username AS user_nicename,
email AS user_email,
url AS user_url,
screen_name AS display_name,
FROM_UNIXTIME(join_date) AS user_registered,
exp_members m
exp_member_data md ON md.member_id = m.member_id