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Cannot install pgmodeler

I got problem while compiling pgmodeler on Mac. I typed qmake in binary folder, and got the following error:

 /Users/****/Applications/pgmodelerunzip/pgmodeler-0.8.1-beta/pgmodeler.pri:21: defined(function, type): unexpected type [var].
 /Users/****/Applications/pgmodelerunzip/pgmodeler-0.8.1-beta/pgmodeler.pri:24: defined(function, type): unexpected type [var].
 /Users/****/Applications/pgmodelerunzip/pgmodeler-0.8.1-beta/pgmodeler.pri:103: defined(function, type): unexpected type [var].
 /Users/****/Applications/pgmodelerunzip/pgmodeler-0.8.1-beta/pgmodeler.pri:104: defined(function, type): unexpected type [var].
 /Users/****/Applications/pgmodelerunzip/pgmodeler-0.8.1-beta/pgmodeler.pri:105: defined(function, type): unexpected type [var].
 /Users/****/Applications/pgmodelerunzip/pgmodeler-0.8.1-beta/pgmodeler.pri:106: defined(function, type): unexpected type [var].
 /Users/****/Applications/pgmodelerunzip/pgmodeler-0.8.1-beta/pgmodeler.pri:107: defined(function, type): unexpected type [var].
 /Users/****/Applications/pgmodelerunzip/pgmodeler-0.8.1-beta/pgmodeler.pri:108: defined(function, type): unexpected type [var].
 /Users/****/Applications/pgmodelerunzip/pgmodeler-0.8.1-beta/pgmodeler.pri:109: defined(function, type): unexpected type [var].
 /Users/****/Applications/pgmodelerunzip/pgmodeler-0.8.1-beta/pgmodeler.pri:110: defined(function, type): unexpected type [var].
 /Users/****/Applications/pgmodelerunzip/pgmodeler-0.8.1-beta/pgmodeler.pri:111: defined(function, type): unexpected type [var].
 /Users/****/Applications/pgmodelerunzip/pgmodeler-0.8.1-beta/pgmodeler.pri:112: defined(function, type): unexpected type [var].
 /Users/****/Applications/pgmodelerunzip/pgmodeler-0.8.1-beta/pgmodeler.pri:113: defined(function, type): unexpected type [var].


  • How do you compile pgModeler? At this moment I cannot help you more than just describe my case.

    My road to compile pgModeler

    I had almost same issue on my Linux Mint 17.1 (x64). I followed this tutorial:

    First I've installed some required packages using apt: sudo apt-get install libpq-dev libxml2-dev

    Next I've downloaded newest version of pgModeler from

    In Linux Mint's repo there was Qt4 version only, so I had to install Qt5 using installer from official Qt site. I've just downloaded Community version and followed the instructions. Next I just needed to specify path to new Qt libraries by adding to my PATH in /etc/environment (~/.bashrc is also a great place for it) $QT_DIR/Tools/QtCreator/bin and $QT_DIR/5.4/gcc_64/bin (those are in my case, you might change it to similar ones).

    I was left with only type qmake && make && sudo make install in a terminal and wait for end of the process.

    My english leaves a lot to be desired, so please send me some corrections.