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Build full-featured iOS application with just PhoneGap Build and no Mac-like hardware

Since paying $99 for Apple Developer Program is a bit tough decision for me (especially, if it would be a wasted money), then the question is quite simple:

Can I build full-featured iOS application, that I will be able to submit (and get accepted, of course!) to App Store, using only PhoneGap Build, without any kind of Mac hardware or without need to use a paid service like Macincloud?

I don't have any kind of Mac. The only thing, I have, is un-jail-broken 3 years old iPad Mini. So I can test my iOS application on real iOS-based device (if this is required in app submission process), but I can't use any developer tools, SDKs etc. to actually build it.

I'm asking, because I get completely confused. I touched this topic about two years ago and then I asked this question. I was replied me with a list of steps and tutorials, I must undertake, but with a clear information, that I can create and deploy iOS app, without having any Apple hardware.

I left this subject for the next two years. When I got back to it, I found a support question, a blog, Stack Overflow question and an article, that are all more or less certain, that having a real Mac machine or access to service like Macincloud is mandatory for creating iOS applications.

For example, inn third answer to mentioned support question Petra V. says:

Yes, you need a Mac (no xCode, just ApplicationLoader required) to upload to the AppStore, unless you use a paid service like Macincloud

Now, I'm completely lost, because this statement stands in exact opposition to what Amir said two years ago. Thefore, can someone give me a verifiable information of current status on this matter?

Can I build an OS application, that will be properly signed and accepted by AppStore, using just HTML5, browser and PhoneGap Build, with no Mac hardware or extra services required?

This is not a duplicate of this question, because the only answer to it is over a year old (and things changes quickly in this area) and has:

To publish to the app store I believe you still need a Mac with Xcode

Someone's believe may be accurate and may be wrong. This isn't something, on which I would bet 99 USD. That's why I'm asking for a verifiable and updated answer.


  • The way to build an app and submit it to Apple is:

    1. Compile the app.
    2. Upload it through the Application Uploader.

    In order to achieve 1, you need a Mac. The iOS SDK, which you need, comes within Xcode. Xcode, the Mac app that lets you build iOS apps, is only available for Mac.

    There are other ways you could get the app compiled, but basically what you'd be doing is "renting" their Mac computers or servers (e.g. Adobe Cordova Build).

    In order to achieve 2, you need a Mac too.

    Are there ways to bypass having a Mac? If you have a PC, you could try HackIntosh, a hack to the Mac OSX that (ideally) lets you ran a Mac OS into a PC. I wouldn't recommend you that path, though. Even if you had a hardware with high compatibility wit Mac hardware, it would be a hack still and any update of any app, OS minor update, etc, could break your HackIntosh.