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Passing array of arguments to Quartz Scheduler

I am trying to add a Quartz Scheduler to an existing Java class.

The class uses String[] args as input from the main function.

public static void main(String[] args) {

But then the Java class implements Job, and it has to use the execute method which only takes one argument.

public void execute(JobExecutionContext arg0) throws JobExecutionException {
   // How to get the String[] args and pass it to this execute method?
   // Then I can pass it to the next helper functions, etc.
   // summarizeData(args);

Any suggestions?

Edit 1: The args should be command-line arguments in String


  • Problem solved.

    I had to map the command-line arguments to JobDataMap in the scheduler class. Then use getJobDataMap() in the .execute method to retrieve the arguments and putting them back into a String[].