I have the following code and it works fine when I am referencing one 'leadno
' as it returns the highest sum of individual products
select t.*
from (Select t2.leadno, t1.quoteno, t1.cn_ref, sum(t1.qty/100) as 't_qty',
ROW_NUMBER() Over (Partition By t1.cn_ref order by sum(qty/100) desc) as RN
From dba.quotelne t1 INNER JOIN
dba.quotehdr t2
ON t1.quoteno = t2.quoteno
Where leadno = 31665 and t1.statusflag = 'A' and t2.statusflag = 'A'
Group By t2.leadno, t1.quoteno, t1.cn_ref
) t
where rn = 1
But when I add more that one leadno
it returns doesn't return all the quoteno
it only returns the values of the highest sum(qty/100)
, so Is there a way to run a ROW_NUMBER() Over (Partition By
in a ROW_NUMBER() Over (Partition By)
I hope this makes sense, but if not I will try to explain, a little further, each 'lead' may have one or more 'quotes' against it. Each 'quote' will have a number of products listed. These may be duplicated (hence why I am using sum(qty/100)
What I need to happen is all leadno
to be displayed, the unique cn_ref
and the highest quantity RN = 1
against the leadno
I am not 100% sure but I think you need to put the leadno in the Partition to accomplish what you need:
select t.*
from (Select t2.leadno, t1.quoteno, t1.cn_ref, sum(t1.qty/100) as 't_qty',
ROW_NUMBER() Over (Partition By t2.leadno, t1.cn_ref order by sum(qty/100) desc) as RN
From dba.quotelne t1 INNER JOIN
dba.quotehdr t2
ON t1.quoteno = t2.quoteno
Where leadno = 31665 and t1.statusflag = 'A' and t2.statusflag = 'A'
Group By t2.leadno, t1.quoteno, t1.cn_ref
) t
where rn = 1
Beside that, you shouldn't devide the qty in the order by, it doens't change the order because you devide every value by 100, but the engine has to devide every record before it can create the summary