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Getting data from the function using an Object in CF

I have a CFC object and a function which gets me the data which I want. Now I want to use that data and provide it to an already defined custom tag attribute. When I dump the #iEngine.listScore()# I get some parameters. But my problem is how should I provide those to an attribute?

<cfdump var="#iEngine.listScores()#" label="Swapnil Test - Function ListScore">     
<cfset filename="ACE_DataExtract_#DateFormat(now(),'dd.mmm.yyyy')#.xls" />
<!--- Calling Custom tags to create/output xls files --->
<cfmodule template="#request.library.customtags.virtualpath#excel.cfm" file="#filename#" sheetname="ACE Report">

  <cfmodule template="#request.library.customtags.virtualpath#exceldata.cfm"
    sheetname="ACE Report" 
      <cfoutput>Excel Extract - ACE Report - #DateFormat(Now(),"d-mmm-yyyy")#</cfoutput>

Here I want to provide the data of iEngine.listScore() to the "Query" attribute in "exceldata" custom tag.

Below is the dump of iEngine.listScore()

Dump of iengine.listscore


  • I would write a transform Data function to change your array-struct to a query object, then pass that on....

    <cffunction name="transformData" result="query">
        <cfargument name="inArray" type="array">
        <cfset local.qryReturn = queryNew("actiondate,actionId,closedate")>
        <!--- You may look up queryNew and also set your dataTypes --->
        <cfloop array="#arguments.inArray#" index="i">
            <cfset QueryAddRow(local.qryReturn)>
            <cfset querySetCell(local.qryReturn,"actionDate",i["actiondate"])>
            <cfset querySetCell(local.qryReturn,"actionid",i["actionid"])>
            <cfset querySetCell(local.qryReturn,"closedate",i["closedate"])>
        <cfreturn local.qryReturn>
    <cfset test = [
    <cfdump var="#test#">
    <cfset resultQry = transformData(test)>
    <cfif NOT isquery(resultQry)>
        Exit invalid Data.
        <cfdump var="#resultQry#">