Given the following...
HtmlNode myDiv = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='someid']");
...where the resulting myDiv.InnerHtml contains:
<span>...other content I want to consume...</span>
<a href="" onmousedown="return somefunc('random','parm','values','SHXA213')">Click Me</a>
<span>...and more content I want to consume...</span>
Is there a way to not select the onmousedown portion of the anchor tag?
What I needed to do was the following:
HtmlNodeCollection anchors = myDiv.SelectNodes(@"//a[@class='someclass']");
anchors[0].SetAttributeValue("onmousedown", "");
// could have also used anchors[0].Attributes.Remove() or .RemoveAt()
Is there a way to not select the onmousedown portion of the anchor tag?
No. Not with XPath (SelectSingleNode
XPath is a query language and it cannot modify the nodes selected by an XPath expression. You need an additional language (DOM or XSLT) to change nodes (eg. strip off attributes).