My app needs to play some music files, like .mp3. I would like to use MPMoviePlayerController because it has implemented all the UI stuff for me, i.e. I do not want to bother implementing progress slide bar and things like this.
I tested to use it to play a .mp3 file and it worked fine but I do not know if it is fine to use it to do this because its name says "movie player" and it seems it is supposed to play a movie. Would apple reject this? Thank you.
For playing audio from a file or memory, AVAudioPlayer
is your best option but unfortunately it doesn't support a network stream while MPMoviePlayerController
From documentation :
An instance of the AVAudioPlayer class, called an audio player, provides playback of audio data from a file or memory.
Apple recommends that you use this class for audio playback unless you are playing audio captured from a network stream or require very low I/O latency.
For the Apple validation I don't think that your application can be rejected because you're using the Media Player Framework to play an audio file. In fact here they explicitly say that you can do just that:
Choose the right technology for your needs:
To play the audio items in a user’s iPod library, or to play local or streamed movies, use the Media Player framework. Classes in this framework automatically support sending audio and video to AirPlay devices such as Apple TV.
Not sure about performance and memory issues though!
Best of luck.