I have an executable 'A' made by me, that acts as a runtime, and several config files + a lot of pictures + fonts (...) made by my customers for their own clients.
My customers are graphic users & no clue about programming or compiler, but need that the total app above looks as 100% made by them to their own final users.
I would like programmatically, means in another application, let's say 'B', to merge all these into a single exe so that their own customers do not see that part is made by me & have no access to the individual files.
That embending function would be integrated into 'B', which has to exist anyway as it helps to create the config files & other functions.
I saw some possibilities
I can I do that ? (=means the above need=just the embending function of Reactor, but Inside my own app)
Thanks a lot,
Try this tutorial on MSDN. You should be able to have all your resources files inside your .exe by following this method.