I'm using Universal Image Loader to load images from a backend to display user images in a list; however, if the icon shows up multiple times, the Universal Image Loader doesn't fill out all the views.
And then on another screen:
I'm using cacheInMemory and cacheOnDisk, which seemed to improve it. As before it was only displaying it in one of the views, instead of most, but I need all of them to work.
DisplayImageOptions defaultOptions = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()
.cacheInMemory( true )
.cacheOnDisk( true )
ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder( this )
.threadPoolSize( 3 )
.defaultDisplayImageOptions( defaultOptions )
ImageLoader.getInstance().init( config );
I'm not using a ListView for this task, I'm using a ScrollView and inflating it with a custom layout.
private View createSmallActivity( LayoutInflater inflater, final Event activity ) {
final View view;
view = inflater.inflate( R.layout.activity_posted_small, null );
// The owner's image.
if( activity.ownerImageUrl != null ) {
Loader.loadImage( getActivity(),
( ImageView ) view.findViewById( R.id.profileImage ) );
return view;
// Loader.loadImage
// Setting the targetSize, and masking the image with a resource.
public static void loadImage( Context context, String url, int resource, ImageView view ) {
Drawable d = context.getResources().getDrawable( resource );
int h = d.getIntrinsicHeight();
int w = d.getIntrinsicWidth();
ImageSize targetSize = new ImageSize( w, h );
ImageLoader.getInstance().loadImage( url, targetSize, new MaskImageLoader( context, view, resource ) );
Any idea on how I can improve the Universal Image Loader to ensure all the views are correctly filled out?
Thanks for your help!
It's because Universal Image Loader cancel previous requests with same url (used as id). To prevent this behaviour, replace
ImageLoader.getInstance().loadImage( url, targetSize, new MaskImageLoader( context, view, resource ) );
new NonViewAware(new ImageSize(w, h), ViewScaleType.CROP),
new MaskImageLoader(context, view, resource));