I need to "unzip" a list of tuples and even though I tried with the unzip
function it doesn't do what I want to. In fact, as I understood the unzip
function returns you a tuple of list, but what i want is this.
Giving a list of tuple like this:
L1 = [(("s0","l0"),("l0","s1")),(("s1","l1"),("l1","s2"))]
of type:
(string*string)*(string*string) list
the function should return me a single list composed by the unzipped tuples:
L2 = [("s0","l0"),("l0","s1"),("s1","l1"),("l1","s2")]
of type:
(string*string) list
The only solution I found is:
fun f(h as (x,y,z),nil) = [(x,x^y^z)]@[(x^y^z,z)]
|f (h as (x,y,z),t::rest) =
let val i = ref 0
in if !i=0 then (i := !i+1; (x,x^y^z)::f(h,t::rest)) else (i := !i-1;(x^y^z,z)::f(t,rest)) end;
and I thought it could work but when I run the function the system crashes.
I'm not entirely sure what the function you posted does, but it almost certainly won't unzip a list of 2-tuples for you. It seems to expect 3-tuples, and does some de-referencing/concatenation to boot. How did you find it?
If you want a function that takes a list of 2-tuples and returns a list of their elements, you can do
fun peel lst =
let fun recur [] acc = List.rev acc
| recur ((a, b)::rest) acc =
recur rest (b::a::acc)
recur lst []
that is, go through the list, collecting both elements of each tuple, and return the reverse of your accumulator when you get to the end.
Standard ML of New Jersey v110.76 [built: Thu Feb 19 00:37:13 2015]
- fun peel lst =
let fun recur [] acc = List.rev acc
| recur ((a, b)::rest) acc =
recur rest (b::a::acc)
recur lst []
end ;;
= = = = = = [autoloading]
[library $SMLNJ-BASIS/basis.cm is stable]
[autoloading done]
val peel = fn : ('a * 'a) list -> 'a list
- peel [(("s0","l0"),("l0","s1")),(("s1","l1"),("l1","s2"))] ;;
val it = [("s0","l0"),("l0","s1"),("s1","l1"),("l1","s2")]
: (string * string) list
Because of the way its defined, it has the (possibly unnecessary bonus) that it can similarly process any list of 2-tuples.
- peel (peel [(("s0","l0"),("l0","s1")),(("s1","l1"),("l1","s2"))]) ;;
val it = ["s0","l0","l0","s1","s1","l1","l1","s2"] : string list