I am sending an email with an attachment (pdf) through laravel.But the attachment when downloaded converts to "File" type instead of pdf...
Heres my code
$pdf_file_path = public_path() . '/user/invoices/invoice_' . $data['hp_transaction_id'] . '.pdf';
PDF::loadView('payment.payment-invoice', $data)
Mail::send('emails.view-property-transaction-completed', $data, function($message) use ($pdf_file_path, $transaction) {
$message->to(Auth::user()->email)->subject('Transaction Completed');
$message->attach($pdf_file_path, array('as' => 'Invoice-' . $transaction->id, 'mime' => 'application/pdf'));
I want the file to get downloaded in pdf format.What should i do for that?
Found the solution. Add .pdf
with the file name in as
attribute, like this:
array('as' => 'Invoice-' . $transaction->id. ".pdf", 'mime' => 'application/pdf')