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Gradle: Override transitive dependency by version classifier

One of the dependencies declared in my project has a transitive dependency on But my application deployed on WAS/Weblogic doesn't work due to a CDI issue which has been fixed in (same version, but with classifier). I need to tell Gradle to use this jar during build and packaging. I am trying to figure out how we can override this transitive dependency with a jar specific version classifier.

Tried the following approaches:

  1. Added the dependency explicitly: compile ''. But both jars got included in the resultant WAR.

  2. Added the dependency explicitly and defined a resolution strategy:

    configurations.all {
        resolutionStrategy {
            force ''

    Even this didn't work.

  3. Defined a resolution strategy to check and change the version.

    configurations.all {
         resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
             if ( + ":" + == '') {
                details.useVersion "15.0:cdi1.0"
                //details.useTarget ""

    Even this didn't work.

Need your suggestions on how this issue can be tackled.


  • Currently classifiers are not yet taken into account when it comes to resolutionStrategies. A workaround for you might excluding the transitive Guava library when declaring your dependencies and adding the Guava cdi1.0 version explicitly:

    dependencies {
        compile ("org.acme:someDependency:1.0"){
            exclude group: '', module: 'guava'
        compile ""