I am trying to Replace the encoder module of a application with my own Encoder which use WIC. and the old one seems set the Quantize factor to 90 (i don't know what happen in there, i just have dlls only). Now i have to set quantize factor too but i don't know how. is there any way to set that value like passing some value, or am i need to implement Quantize table and calculate the factor. I sow there is a way to set image quality (which 0 to 1) when initializing the encoder,
PROPBAG2::pstrName = L"ImageQuality";
does that affect to the quantization?
the question looks like silly but google didn't help me. can anyone please help me.
does that affect to the quantization?
that set the quality level and that decide the quintize table which use to compress.
normally quality level is considered as a percentage. in WIC it take float value 0-1.
if you want to set quality level to 90 (it probably says 90%) use 0.9f in WIC.
and you can set a quantize table too.