class Store {
String name
static hasMany = [departments: Department]
class Department {
String name
static belongsTo = [store: Store]
static hasMany = [products: Product]
class Product {
String name
Integer qty
static namedQueries = {
productsInStockByStore {store->
department {
store {
eq 'id',
gt 'qty', 0
static belongsTo = [department: Department]
I get an error running:
def store = Store.first() // just for the sake of testing
No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (namedboom.Product$__clinit__closure1$_closure3$_closure4$_closure5) values: [namedboom.Product$__clinit__closure1$_closure3$_closure4$_closure5@768aab6a] Possible solutions: wait(), last(), save(), any(), getAll(), wait(long)
What would be the right way to accomplish this with named query? The only way I could get it to work is using createCriteria and declaring joints for the parent tables.
This is may be because store
is defined in your named query. Try changing name of this variable in the named query, like
static namedQueries = {
productsInStockByStore {storeInstance->
department {
store {
eq 'id',
gt 'qty', 0