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Bulk Exporting Data from Codeigniter to CSV using Database Utility Class

Here is my code:

function export_csv()
$st = $this->input->get('st');   //Start Date 
$en = $this->input->get('en');   //End Date

$sTable = 'TABLE_NAME';


$aColumns = array('tempdisplayid AS ucid','uui','campaign_name','location','caller_id','skill','calltime','answertime','TIMEDIFF(answertime,calltime) as timetoanswer','endtime','talktime','duration','fallback_rule','dialed_number','type','agent','agent_did','disposition','status','hangup_by','transfer','transfer_to','comments','dial_status','customer_status','agent_status','audio','AgentStatus','CustomerStatus','user_response');

$this->db->select('SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS '.str_replace(' , ', ' ', implode(', ', $aColumns)), false);

$query = $this->db->get_where($sTable, array('date(calltime) >=' =>$st,'date(calltime) <=' =>$en));

$new_report = $this->dbutil->csv_from_result($query);

write_file('/csv/records-'.$st.'to'.$en.'.csv', $new_report);


force_download('records-'.$st.'to'.$en.'.csv', $new_report); 


There is 64,145 Records in last 30 days. When I try to download the link becomes there any other method to bulk export unlimited record to csv.

I tested this code upto 30000 after setting ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);It works fine.

Anything other than CSV like xls which can show bulk records.


  • // top of your controller
    ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
    // Also you can increase memory

    Download this helper and place in system/helpers/

    and finally create csv like this

    $query = $this->db->get('your_table');
    query_to_csv($query, TRUE, 'filename.csv');