I have a little plugin working as a progressbar. the problem is: I can't update progressbar's value because every change I made, affect just the last object created =(
also.. if I call it as: $(node-selector).progBar().setValue() it works calling the correct node but it loss the config object
follow the code:
var elm1;
var elm2;
$.fn.progBar = function ( config ){
if ( typeof ( config ) === "string" ) {
config = {'text':config} ;
var config = $.extend ({
'text' : false
}, config );
return this.each(function( ){
var $this = $(this); // $this is the main element
$this.css("padding","4px 10px")
$this.css("border","1px solid #00F")
$.fn.setValue = function ( newValue ) {
$this.html(config.text + " " + newValue)
elm1 = new $("#elm1").progBar("this is the first...")
elm2 = new $("#elm2").progBar("this is the seccond...")
// both lines below just affect the #elm2 object
elm2.setValue("seccond") // this will overrite line above
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="elm1" ></div>
<div id="elm2" ></div>
The return this.each...
was causing the problem - you were reassigning the setValue function for all instances created with the progBar method. This update should get you going the right direction:
var elm1;
var elm2;
$(function($) {
$.fn.progBar = function(config) {
if (typeof(config) === "string") {
config = {
'text': config
var config = $.extend({
'text': false
}, config);
this.css("width", "200px")
this.css("padding", "4px 10px")
this.css("text-align", "center")
this.css("background", "#eee")
this.css("font-weight", "bold")
this.css("border", "1px solid #00F")
this.setValue = function(newValue) {
var currentInnerText = this.html();
this.html(currentInnerText + " " + newValue)
return this;
elm1 = new $("#elm1").progBar("this is the first...");
elm2 = new $("#elm2").progBar("this is the seccond...");
// both lines below just affect the #elm2 object
elm2.setValue("seccond"); // this will overrite line above
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="elm1"></div>
<div id="elm2"></div>