Is it possible to use the youtube api to provide video for an app I'm hoping to develop.
I want to upload videos from iOS, android and the web.
I want to be able to control access to my videos - i.e. they're all private unless my app provides access.
I want to stream my videos to various devices (web, iOS and android).
I want to stream my video without youtube adding branding or advertising.
If all this is possible, where do I find pricing information?
Item #1 is possible through the YouTube API for free. #2 is sort of possible; you can set uploads to be private; however, if you want your app to allow people to view the private videos, they'll have to log in with their Google Account so your app can add them to the "shared with" list. #3 is possible through the YouTube API for free. #4 is mostly not possible; you cannot remove YouTube branding, nor can you play a video through a non-YouTube player. You can remove advertising, however.
Also note that, if you have users upload their own videos, they must log in with their Google account and uploaded videos will go into their YouTube channel, not yours. You can index them, but they could always make their own changes through YouTube later. There is no way to upload videos to anywhere other than an authenticated user's own account.
If all 4 items are absolute necessities, you should instead look at an OVP like Brightcove or Kaltura.