Say I have 3 vectors :
int16_t v1[8];
int16_t v2[8];
int16_t v3[8];
int8_t lock = 0;
I want to save the values of the arrays in the EEPROM. For that, here is what I've done:
int i = 0;
uint16_t * j = (uint16_t*) 2 ;
short ratio=0;
for ( i =0; i<8;i++){
v1[i] = 22500;
v2[i] = 10500;
v3[i] = 20888;
I want save the values like:
// .startat at the 3rd byte
// v1[0]v2[0]v3[0]v1[1]v2[1]v3[1] ----------> v1[7]v2[7]v3[7]
for ( i = 0 ; i <8; i++ ){
//printf("j = %d \n",j);
eeprom_update_word (j++, v1[i]);
eeprom_update_word (j++, v2[i]);
eeprom_update_word (j++, v3[i]);
To check that the values were correctly saved, I tried to print them out like :
for (i=1; i < 26;i++ ){
ratio =(short)eeprom_read_word((uint8_t*)i);
printf(" WORD %d %d \n", i,ratio);
and I really don't understand the output:
WORD 1 -7168
WORD 2 22500
WORD 3 1111
WORD 4 10500
WORD 5 -26583
WORD 6 20888
WORD 7 -7087
WORD 8 22500
WORD 9 1111
WORD 10 10500
WORD 11 -26583
WORD 12 20888
WORD 13 -7087
WORD 14 22500
WORD 15 1111
WORD 16 10500
WORD 17 -26583
WORD 18 20888
WORD 19 -7087
WORD 20 22500
WORD 21 1111
WORD 22 10500
WORD 23 -26583
WORD 24 20888
WORD 25 -7087
Any idea how to get this the correct way?
I'v eexpend the for loop and the output looks half correct ! ! :
WORD 1 -7168
WORD 2 22500
WORD 3 -4009
WORD 4 22000
WORD 5 9813
WORD 6 21030
WORD 7 -7086
WORD 8 22500
WORD 9 -4009
WORD 10 22000
WORD 11 9813
WORD 12 21030
WORD 13 -7086
WORD 14 22500
WORD 15 -4009
WORD 16 22000
WORD 17 9813
WORD 18 21030
WORD 19 -7086
WORD 20 22500
WORD 21 -4009
WORD 22 22000
WORD 23 9813
WORD 24 21030
WORD 25 -7086
WORD 26 22500
WORD 27 -4009
WORD 28 22000
WORD 29 9813
WORD 30 21030
WORD 31 -7086
WORD 32 22500
WORD 33 -4009
WORD 34 22000
WORD 35 9813
WORD 36 21030
WORD 37 -7086
WORD 38 22500
WORD 39 -4009
WORD 40 22000
WORD 41 9813
WORD 42 21030
WORD 43 -7086
WORD 44 22500
WORD 45 -4009
WORD 46 22000
WORD 47 9813
WORD 48 21030
WORD 49 82
WORD 50 0
WORD 51 0
I cant explain what happens here !
**UPDATE ** after changing the loop to :
for (i=1; i < 25;i++ ){
ratio =eeprom_read_word(j);
printf(" WORD %d %d \n", i,ratio);
j = j +2;
the output is now :
WORD 1 22500
WORD 2 21030
WORD 3 22000
WORD 4 22500
WORD 5 21030
WORD 6 22000
WORD 7 22500
WORD 8 21030
WORD 9 22000
WORD 10 22500
WORD 11 21030
WORD 12 22000
WORD 13 22500
WORD 14 22000
WORD 15 0
WORD 16 0
WORD 17 22500
WORD 18 22000
WORD 19 0
WORD 20 0
WORD 21 22500
WORD 22 22000
WORD 23 0
WORD 24 0
still I don't get where the 0
s come from ?
You have 24 16-bit values, 48 bytes total, stored in EEPROM starting at address 2, and the last byte is stored at address 49. Reading these bytes, you start at address 1, which you have not populated. You increment by 1 but read two bytes each time, right?
I would recommend allocating i as a short* type, so incrementing goes up by sizeof(short). Plus I'd fix that start address for reading.
Oh, for 24 values, the loop end value needs fixing.