If I run this query:
self.send("search", where: {geo_location: { near:[ params[:latitude], params[:longitude] ]}}, boost_by: {luxury_shopper: {factor: 80}} && {movie_goer: {factor: 20}})
everything works great and I get my result. But if I run this query
booster = "boost_by: {luxury_shopper: {factor: 80}} && {movie_goer: {factor: 20}}"
self.send("search", where: {geo_location: { near:[ params[:latitude], params[:longitude] ]}}, booster)
I get SyntaxError: unexpected ')', expecting =>
, but I can't figure out why, or more importantly, how to write this query. The booster part is dynamic. I get an arbitrary number of attributes to "boost by" and insert them into the query.
You pass a string where searchkick expects a hash, and I'm not sure does it merge options automatically, the following should do the job:
booster = { boost_by: { luxury_shopper: {factor: 80}, movie_goer: {factor: 20} } }
self.send("search", {where: {geo_location: { near:[ params[:latitude], params[:longitude] ]}}}.merge(booster))