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Resolve object using DI container with object instance

I have a ICommand interface and tasks that are using dependencies injected by constructor. Dependencies are using different constructors so they have to be resolved by the request itself. I want to tell my container how to resolve some dependencies in the specific context it's being resolved.

interface ICommand
    string Do();

interface IUser
    string Name { get; }

class Welcome : ICommand
    IUser _user;
    public Welcome(IUser user)
        _user = user;

    public string Do()
        return "Hello, "+_user.Name;

class OAuthUser : IUser
    // use remote service to get data
    public OAuthUser (IOAuthService service, JsonWebToken token)
        // to be implemented

class TemporaryTokenUser : IUser
    // use sql to check if user has temporary token
    public TemporaryTokenUser (IDbConnection db, string token)
        // to be implemented

class UserPasswordUser : IUser
    // try authenticating user with credentials
    public UserPasswordUser (IAuthService svc, string user, string password)
        // to be implemented

I've registered my interfaces and classes in LightInject:

var container = new LightInject.ServiceContainer();
container.Register<ICommand, Welcome>("welcome");

Now, I want to do something like this in my requests:

using (var scope = container.BeginScope())
    // I need to tell my container how to resolve this dependency in case its needed
    // but method below does not exist
    var command = container.GetInstance<ICommand>(command);
    return command.Do();

What would be the correct way to do this in maintainable way with any DI container, considering that dependency chain might get quite long for complex methods?

EDIT I made my use case more clear (changed classes implementing IUser).


  • static class ScopedContainerExtensions
        class ScopedContainer
            Dictionary<Type, object> factories = new Dictionary<Type,object>();
            public void Register<T>(Func<T> factory)
                where T: class
                factories.Add(typeof(T), new Lazy<T>(factory));
            public T Resolve<T>()
                return ((Lazy<T>)factories[typeof(T)]).Value;
        public static void UseScopedContainerFor<Service>(this IServiceContainer container)
            if (!container.CanGetInstance(typeof(ScopedContainer), ""))
                container.Register<ScopedContainer>(new PerScopeLifetime());
        public static void ResolverForCurrentScope<T>(this IServiceContainer container, Func<IServiceFactory, T> factory)
            where T : class
            var scope = container.ScopeManagerProvider.GetScopeManager().CurrentScope;
            container.GetInstance<ScopedStorage>().Register<T>(() =>
                var instance = factory(container);
                var disposable = instance as IDisposable;
                if (disposable != null)
                return instance;



    Usage in scope:

    container.ResolverForCurrentScope<IUser>(fac => fac.GetInstance<OAuthUserFactory>().Create(fac.GetInstance<IOAuthService>(), Request));