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CTest with multiple commands

I'm building some tests using CTest. Usually, I can set up the test by simply the line:

ADD_TEST(Test_Name executable args)

However, I've run into a problem, I have some tests that require two commands to be run in order for it to work, is there any way I can run two programs within a single ctest, or am I required to create a new test for each?

Thank you.


  • The add_test command only accepts one executable, but you can run any executable that is really a script. To do this in a cross platform way, write the script in CMake itself. CMake has the -P option for running arbitrary chunks of CMake scripting language when you run make or make test, rather than at Makefile generation time.

    Sadly you can't pass arguments to such a script. But you can set variables to values, which is just as good.

    This script you can call runtests.cmake, it runs the commands CMD1 and CMD2 and checks each for a non-zero return code, returning out of CMake itself with an error if that happens:

    macro(EXEC_CHECK CMD)
        execute_process(COMMAND ${CMD} RESULT_VARIABLE CMD_RESULT)
            message(FATAL_ERROR "Error running ${CMD}")

    ... and then add your test cases like so:

    add_executable(test1 test1.c)
    add_executable(test2 test2.c)
    add_test(NAME test
        -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/runtests.cmake)

    $<TARGET_FILE:test1> gets expanded to the full path to the executable at build-file generation time. When you run make test or equivalent this will run "cmake -P runtests.cmake" setting the CMD1 and CMD2 variables to the appropriate test programs. The script will then execute your 2 programs in sequence. If either of the test programs fail, the whole test fails. If you need to see the output of the test, you can run make test ARGS=-V