Is it possible to reference multiple versions of a Chef cookbook within a recipe like the following where a recipe in one cookbook (foo) references multiple versions of a recipe in another cookbook (bar) where the version variable is populated before this block?
case version
when ""
include_recipe "cookbook-bar"
when "1.0.0"
include_recipe "cookbook-bar@1.0.0"
when "1.0.1"
include_recipe "cookbook-bar@1.0.1"
raise "Invalid Version: " + version
rescue Chef::Exceptions::CookbookNotFound
raise "The Specified Cookbook Was Not Found: cookbook-foo-bar@" + version
In the metadata.rb
file I have set the dependency like the following to hopefully pull in versions 1.0.0
, 1.0.1
, and 1.0.2
of cookbook-bar
depends "cookbook-bar", "<= 1.0.2"
But when I run it I still get the CookbookNotFound
error for versions 1.0.0
and 1.0.1
of cookbook-bar
You can't, only one version of a cookbook will be pulled down on the node, the highest matching the dependency constraint.
If you need multiples version of a cookbook within the same run, you have a problem somewhere.