I'm using docker-machine v0.2 and I have two host(hostA, hostB) with OS Ubuntu 14.04. Then I was follow the official doc to install and use docker-machine.Finally After initial steps I have installed on my hostA: docker and docker-machine.
When I use example of driver virtualbox(docker-machine create --driver virtualbox dev
) all it's fine. I have one virtual machine with boot2docker named "dev" as follow:
docker-machine ls
dev virtualbox Running tcp://
Then I try to provision docker on hostB but I can't found the right way to do it. Anyone know how do it? It's possible use docker-machine to provision external host without cloud provider driver.
You must upgrade docker-machine to version docker-machine 0.3.0 which include generic driver.
Then you may use like this:
docker-machine create --driver generic --generic-ip-address some-ip --generic-ssh-user some-user dev
there are more parameters present in docker-machine documentation