i'am trying to get my apk file from sencha touch Project created with sencha architect so i use the next command in my application path :
1- sencha phonegap init : i add in the app.json the platform andoird:
"native": {
"packager": "phonegap",
"phonegap" : {
"config": {
// Uncomment the line below and add the platform you wish to build for
"platform": "android",
// Uncomment and Set this line to true to enable PhoneGap Remote Building.
// To properly use this you must set the following properties in your local.properties file (if this file does not exist create it in your app root)
// phonegap.remote.username=myname@domain.com
// phonegap.remote.password=mys3cr3tp@ssw0rd
"id": "com.domain.MyApp",
"name": "MyApp"
2 - sencha app build -run native : but dasn't work . error : image error