I have 2 'V' classes in my database that are: "User" and "Cinema" and 2 'E' classes that are: "Friend" and "isGoing". My "Friend" edge is lightweight and is working fine, but whenever I try to select anything using the property inside "isGoing" (Datetime date), the select returns empty.
SELECT expand(both('Friend').outE('isGoing').inV()) FROM #12:0
This returns all the "Cinema" that my friends are going. Using the same query but adding the property:
SELECT expand(both('Friend').outE('isGoing')[date = '2015-05-29 00:00:00'].inV()) FROM #12:0
This returns me 0 results. The date I used is the same that was returned on my first select, so I don't think it is a mispelling error.
Is there something I am missing? My DB version is 2.0.6
It might be something about the Datetime format and OrientDB but as I just need the Day, changing the field for an integer worked and the query
SELECT expand(both('Friend').outE('isGoing')[Day = 29].inV()) FROM #12:0
worked as expected