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Shortcut to create automatic tags for JS and CSS files in my project in WebStorm

WebStorm is packed with nice features and shorcuts, but I'm not able to find a quick way to add JavaScript or CSS file to my HTML page.

I have a new project, I create a file index.html and a script.js (or it can be a library I downloaded or a CSS file). Now I'd like to do something like drag and drop the script.js file directly in my index.html and automatically see generated:

<script src="script.js"></script>

At moment I'm doing it with Emmet (script:src + <tab>).

I know it's not much to write, but starting a new project maybe you want to include a bunch of libraries that you downloaded and it's bit annoying to do this manually. And I wanted something like I select the files I want to include and I just drop them in my html file.

So I thought WebStorm would have a smart way to do that.

Maybe this functionality is already there and I'm just not able to find it.


  • That's not currently supported and not yet planned for any specific future version.

    In any case:

    Watch these tickets (star/vote/comment) to get notified on progress.

    I may only suggest to create a custom Live Template and use it to possibly speed up such insertion. Typing s[TAB] (where s is your abbreviation for such live template) is still faster than that Emmet sequence.