I have a function returning a report object, but currently i am going through a foreach look and then using the asQueryable method.
I would like to do it in one query and not have to use the AsQueryable function.
var query = from item in context.Dealers
where item.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId
select item;
IList<DealerReport> list = new List<DealerReport>();
foreach (var deal in query)
foreach (var bodyshop in deal.Bodyshops1.Where(x => x.Manufacturer2Bodyshop.Select(s => s.ManufacturerId).Contains(manufacturerId)))
DealerReport report = new DealerReport();
report.Dealer = deal.Name;
report.Bodyshop = bodyshop.Name;
short stat = bodyshop.Manufacturer2Bodyshop.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId).ComplianceStatus;
report.StatusShort = stat;
return list.OrderBy(x => x.Dealer).AsQueryable();
I think you want something like this:
var query = from deal in context.Dealers
where deal.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId
from bodyshop in deal.Bodyshops1
where bodyshop.Manufacturer2Bodyshop.Select(s => s.ManufacturerId).Contains(manufacturerId)
let stat = bodyshop.Manufacturer2Bodyshop.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId)
orderby deal.Name
select new DealerReport
Dealer = deal.Name,
Bodyshop = bodyshop.Name,
StatusShort = stat != null ? stat.ComplianceStatus : 0, // or some other default
return query;