I have the function toAVector
defined like this:
class Elt a => ToAVector v a where
toAVector :: v a -> A.Array DIM1 a
instance Elt a => ToAVector [] a where
toAVector l =
A.fromList (Z :. P.length l) l
instance (Elt a, G.Vector v a) => ToAVector v a where
toAVector v =
A.fromFunction (Z :. G.length v) (\(Z :. i) -> v G.! i)
{-# INLINE toAVector #-}
When trying to use toAVector
in another library, I get the error:
Overlapping instances for ToAVector [] Double
arising from a use of ‘toAVector’
Matching instances:
instance (A.Elt a, G.Vector v a) => ToAVector v a
-- Defined in ‘Data.Array.Accelerate.Utils’
instance A.Elt a => ToAVector [] a
-- Defined in ‘Data.Array.Accelerate.Utils’
This doesn't make sense to me as []
does not match G.Vector [] a
, so how could the instances be overlapped?
Instances are only matched by the instance head. So, for the purpose of overlapping or not, what you wrote is no better than
instance ToAVector [] a
instance ToAVector v a
which is clearly overlapping.
To argue another way:
... as
does not matchG.Vector [] a
this is never valid reasoning in Haskell, since type classes are open. You can never know something is not an instance of a particular class, because anyone could make it an instance later on.