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Portable.Licensing how to tie a license to a PC

We have a C# application and need to protect it against illegal copying. So we decided to use the Portable.Licensing library to protect our system.

How I can tie a license to hardware id in Portable.Licensing, so that only a specific PC can use license?


  • You can generate a unique hash over the PC's name, hardware information, etc. and add this hash as Additional Attribute during the license creation.

    Example of license creation:

    var license = License.New()  
        .WithAdditionalAttributes(new Dictionary<string, string>  
                                      {"HardwareId", "........"}  
        .LicensedTo("John Doe", "[email protected]")  
        .CreateAndSignWithPrivateKey(privateKey, passPhrase);

    To validate the attribute you can implement your own validation extension method or just use the existing AssertThat(). Example: [1]

    The generation of a unique hardware id is out of the scope of portable licensing.
