I'm currenty working on a Grails
query service that involves retrieving row/s from the database with a specific criteria called filterText
List getAdjustmentCodes(params) {
def filterText = params.filterText
adjustmentCodeList = AdjustmentCode.findAll{
or {
ilike('description', "%$filterText%")
// ilike('id', "%$filterText%")
return adjustmentCodeList
Notice that I've comment out the line ilike('id', "%$filterText%")
because when the program reaches that line, it throws an error:
org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionFailedException: Failed to convert from type java.lang.String to type java.lang.Long for value...
This is probably because the id
column of that table is of type long
class AdjustmentCode implements Serializable {
Long id
String description
String type
String status
Date statusDate
String lastUpdateBy
Date lastUpdateDate
static mapping = {
version false
id column : 'ADJUS_CD'
description column : 'ADJUS_DESC'
type column : 'ADJUS_TYPE'
status column : 'ADJUS_STATCD'
statusDate column : 'ADJUS_STATDTE'
lastUpdateBy column : 'ADJUS_LUPDBY'
lastUpdateDate column : 'ADJUS_LUPDDTE'
But I need to use the like
operator for this column. For instance, the user wants to search for an adjustment with a code
similar to: 00002312123
. Is this the right way to use the like
operator, or are there any other way. Thank you for answering.
I've seen this post, but it doesn't tell how to use non-strings on a like
in an or
Well here is an alternative:
class AdjustmentCode implements Serializable {
Long id
String description
String idAsString
static mapping = {
idAsString formula('to_char(id)') // Or use an equivalent fn to convert it to a String
You could then use ilike as follows:
ilike('idAsString', "%${filterText}%")
It's a lazy way out I suppose, but it should work.